Slacking, setting goals and Shaun T withdrawals in P90X Week Two.
Week Two of P0X has been quite the challenge, and not just exercise-wise. Scheduling problems and lack of motivation have begun taking their toll. Here’s how the week went:
Excuses, Excuses
Saturday, I missed Chest and Back day because I was out of town. I did 100 pushups as penance, sixty of which I managed on my toes. Not bad. But then, it’s not called P90GE (Good Enough), so… regrets? I have few.
I Did It My Way
Sunday was Plyo day and I’ll admit it. I gave into my Shaun T cravings and subbed in Max Interval Circuit from Insanity. I figured Tony would be happy that I did any Plyo workout, even if it wasn’t his. Plus, I wanted a more challenging routine to make up for Saturday’s slack day.
Reunited and It Feels So Good
Monday, Tony and I reunited for Arms and Shoulders. I have to say again that I love lifting weights and see more immediate changes to my body when I do. Tony provides challenging weight routines and I love that. Ab Ripper X is still crazy hard for me, but I’m making progress. I will not be humbled by anything called a Crunchy Frog.
Sofa City, Sweetheart
Tuesday was the first day I just completely flaked out. I had a meeting after work and when I got home at seven, the thought of 1½ hours of Yoga X filled me with such dread that I found myself reaching for my pajamas rather then my yoga pants. (Ok, I sleep in yoga pants so I can’t even use that excuse.) What can I say? Sometimes you’re just not feeling it.
She’s Got Legs
Wednesday, I had a birthday party after work so I raced home to get in my Leg and Back routine. So glad I did. I was pleasantly sore the next day. I didn’t, however, have time for Ab Ripper X and had zero desire to do it after eating Indian food. You win this round, Crunchy Frog.
The Old Switcheroo
Thursday, I subbed Shaun T’s Max Cardio Conditioning for Kenpo. This is my new plan for getting more cardio and more of a leg challenge – the one body part I think Tony skimps on. Between Tony’s weights and Shaun T’s plyo I’ll be getting the best of both workouts. Is anyone else doing this? I’m really excited about it.
So what do you think? Do you customize these workouts to your own preferences? I think it’s a good idea, especially if you’re making it more challenging. Do you have those days or even specific workouts that you just can’t find the motivation for? How do you power through?
And does this scene flit through your head this every time Tony says to Bring It? Me too!